Thursday, February 26, 2009

Science without a religion is lame. Religion without science is blind.

This famous line by Albert Einstein has been a point of discussion since long. The primary reason for the debate between science and religion is that people see them as incompatible. However I personally feel that science and religion can operate in different realms. "Science is very good at answering the 'how' questions e.g. “How did the universe evolve to the form that we see?” But it is inadequate in addressing the 'why' questions e.g. “Why is there a universe at all?” These are the meaning questions, which many people think religion is particularly good at dealing with.

According to surveys some of history's greatest scientific minds, including Albert Einstein, were convinced there is intelligent life behind the universe. Today many scientists say there is no conflict between their faith and their work.

Moreover, only one out of four Americans believes life on earth today has evolved through natural selection as explained by Charles Darwin. Just under half of all Americans believe the natural world was created in its present form by God in six days as described in Genesis. They believe, incredibly, that the earth is only a few thousand years old. According to the creationist view, God produced humans fully formed, with no previous related species.

Even if we believe in Darwin’s theory we don’t have any proof that evolution is not God's tool? Darwin never said anything about God. The belief in god further strengthens when we face calamities like Tsunami. We are afraid of nature’s forces because we have faced dire consequences in the past and we attribute this to God because we don’t have any explanation. .

Apart from this we have many other questions which can only be answered by the belief in existence of god. Some of these questions can be: Who set the Sun in its location? Who set our planet earth at an appropriate distance from the Sun? Who tuned our body systems to the temperature, pressure and oxygen concentration on planet earth? Who adjusted our body systems to function in tune with the sun and the moon?

Somewhere along the process of the so called civilization, we have ceased to contemplate on the awe and splendor of creation with a sense of wonder. We have no time to stand and stare at the stars. We have no time to reflect on the amazing planning and anticipation in creation. Consider the unique inimitable pump, the human heart. All the ingredients necessary for the human heart were anticipated and provided in the design of the heart of the fish which appeared about 500 million years before man appeared. Is this a coincidence? Isn't it proof of anticipation and planning by a supreme intellect? We are thrilled by fireworks at festivals. But did the Big Bang explode without any planning? What were the ingredients for the Bang? Who lit the Big Bang? Who grouped the billions of stars into millions of galaxies?

There is, of course, no way to prove religious faith scientifically but neither can we deny the existence of god. This statement is true in its sense and we should put our energy in other constructive things which can prove fruitful to the society and human beings as a whole. Together we can make this planet a better place to live for all of us.