Saturday, May 3, 2008

Aim of life

This is the question which all of us encounter almost every now and then. Sometimes everyday sometimes even multiple times a day. So what's the ideal answer to this question? I am writing this blog on the basis of my conversation with few old friends when we gathered together at my place few weeks back. One of them said fame, one said money, one said I want to do something which I honestly wanted to achieve at one point of my life. There were others too who were aiming towards opening a company of their own and never wanted to regret when they look back in life. My answer was altogether a different one which must have brought a shock on their face. It was peace.

In the race of life sometimes we churn around ourselves so much that we forget what are we aiming towards. I will tell you a story. There was a man who was earning a lot and was settled in US. He was VP of a multinational and had around 1000 employees working under him. In short he had name, fame , money and power. Oh I forgot to mention that one person was aiming for power too. One day he slapped his 8 yr old son. In reply what he got was, " I will sue you. I will take you to the court." Not to mention that this man being an Indian was broken from deep within after hearing this from his child. He took his bag and baggage and returned to India very soon. So the question still remains the same? Does the necessity of life is really money or should it be peace. Think about it. Does leaving your parents for earning million of rupees really qualify
for that? Do you want the same from your children? I am not from an NGO who is fighting against Brain drain but truly speaking I still have some respect for my country not because it's the country where my parents and I were born. It's because the culture is mine and all my relatives are here. I don't want to die at a place where my next door neighbor just shrug his shoulder and say, "Oh! Poor old man." It's still a debatable topic and nobody is perfect and so do I, but guys give it a second thought and see if you are really aiming for a good thing or are you just lost in crowd.

Rest in Peace.